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    Changing your Username and Password

artHIVES is currently undergoing a security upgrade. During this process, the option to change your Username and Password has been disabled.

Current artHIVES subscribers will be notified via email once this option has been made available. When this happens the proceedure will be as follows:

Click the CHANGE YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD link in the YOUR PROFILE section of your back office. You will be asked to enter your current username and password and then your choice of a new username and password.

Your new details will be automatically emailed to your in box.

If you have a domain name which you wish to use as the address for your artHIVES website, you may need to change your username in order for the forwarding process to take place. Some hosts may not be able to forward your domain name directly to your artHIVES website address and may only be able to forward it to www.visualartist.info. If this is the case you will have to change your artHIVES username to match your second level domain name, the part of your domain name Located immediately to the left of the dot (" . ") Example: If John Smith buys www.johnart.com, he may have to change his username to johnart