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    Letting the world know

Make sure you include your website address (domain name) in any publicity or promotional information you produce like business cards, exhibition invitations, press releases etc - it's even worth writing it on the back of sold artwork so prospective clients can track you down.

One of the most important places to display your domain name is on all of your outgoing emails, or better still if it's a hotlink so that recipients can click through to you site without the hassle of typing your address into their address bar. To do this make sure you include the "http://" bit at the front of your web address, and it also helps to enclose the whole lot with "<>" brackets.

Example: www.artHIVES.com does not create a hotlink whereas <http://www.artHIVES.com> should become a hotlink for most recipients.

For those of you who use an email programme such as Microsoft Outlook or Entourage, you can create a "email signature" so that you don't have to type your domain name every time you create a new email. To do this:

> open "Outlook"

> from the "Tools" menu select "Signature"

> Click the "new" button and then type Your name, domain name and other contact details.

>Once you have closed this window you will then be able to select this signature from the drop down menu at the top of your new email.

P.S. As well as your name and contact details an "email signature" can contain any information, so consider adding details of a current or upcomming exhibition, or information on the latest updates to your website.



Your Name.

85 Doggett Street

Newstead Queensland 4006


t/f 61 7 3252 9292



My latest exhibition runs until 1 June - See my website for details.