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    Creating your Curriculum Vitae

You can enter your CV in one of two ways. Either by filling in the preset fields or by copying and pasting an existing CV into the OTHER INFORMATION field because the subheading for this field will not be seen by the public.

STEP 1. Click the CURRICULUM VITAE link in the YOUR WEBSITE section of your back office.

STEP 2. On the EDIT YOUR CURRICULUM VITAE page, fill in the relevant fields and then click the update buttons to save changes.


Tip 1: Fields left blank will not be seen by the public.

Tip 2: The subheading for OTHER INFORMATION field will not be seen by the public. You can use this field exclusively instead of entering information in any of the other fields.

Tip 3: Use the Rich Text Editors to add links into your CV to make it a more interactive visitor experience.